Buying Guide

Working with CertaShed to design and install your custom shed system requires a great partnership. We ensure the whole process is simple, smooth, sustainable, and, most importantly, saves you a whole lot of money.

Professional installation

Choose the right size

Floor Space
Consider everything that will be on the floor, especially items too heavy to lift and store overhead, such as a lawn tractor, snow blower, or lawn mower.

Wall and Overhead Storage Workspace

Take into account the items you’ll store in the loft or on shelves, noting their square footage.

If you plan to use your shed as a workspace for art, woodworking, construction, or welding, ensure it has ample space for your projects, proper ventilation, and sufficient lighting.
Professional installation

Yard Location

Choosing the right location for your shed involves several key considerations to ensure it remains functional and durable. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Choose a high spot in your yard, avoiding low areas where water accumulates.
  • Ensure the builder has 3 feet of clearance on all sides for installation.
  • Consider door and window placement to maximize natural light inside the shed.
Professional installation

Customizing your shed

All of our sheds come primed and ready for the paint color of your choice. Just imagine the possibilities.

Our shed includes:

  • Painting of all exterior siding, trim, and door sides.
  • 1-year paint labor warranty.
  • Your shed’s look with a color that truly inspires you

Call 855.766.5360 now to get a free quote